Look at your 2-3 rayograms and paper cut-out creations.
What compositional styles where you drawn to? (pattern, rhythm, directional movement et cetera). How do the shapes of the objects relate to one another on the page? Choose one collage and one print as your most compelling work and explain why.
I used balance(symmetry) and center of interest in both my collage and my print. In my pictogram(print), there was only three different objects I used, leaves, toothpicks and balls so they all relate to each other. They also related to each other because they pointed at a center object. In my collage, the border is symmetrical, and there is a center of interest in the right corner. These two works of art are the best in my opinion because they used the most amount of elements of composition composition.
Working in the darkroom can be challenging. There are a lot of technical and mechanical components to keep in mind. Make an outline of your process in the darkroom, go through the steps of making a print. (you do not need to write in complete sentences).
•Find objects that are interesting and are not just dull shapes
•take the object and put them under the enlarger, and choose the amount of time around 10 seconds, and the aperture around three clicks.
•after waiting about ten seconds when the light turns off, take the paper and place it in the developer chemical for 1-2 minutes
•then put the paper in the fixer for 2-5 minutes
•you then put it in the water wash for 4 minutes
•after this you can bring it outside to see if you like it and is worth saving
•if it is, put it in the permawash for 4 minutes.
•finally, put it in the water wash for around ten minutes.
Look at the Artist Habits of Mind. Besides, Develop Craft & Reflect, which habit did you excel at with this “Shape and Composition” project (consider all facets of the project)? Which habit did you struggle with? Give a little explanation about why you chose each one.
I excelled with the envision habit of mind by envisioning what the final result would look like, and making sure I would like it if it looked like that. I had a hard time with actually expressing my visions on to the paper using objects because the objects I used sometimes did not turn out the way I wanted them to.
Following our guided group discussion, reflect on the insights and observations provided by your peers. Which comments reinforce your intentions? Which formal evaluations caused you to stop and see your work in a new way?
They liked the flow of my work with the leaves , so I kept using those. They said they didn't like how dull some of the other shapes were, such as the small fuzzball things, so I didn't use nearly as many of those because I could see how they were uninteresting.