Thursday, March 12, 2015

Greenware blog reflection

a. what excited you about the process of working with clay, of creating a an abstract form focused on texture? what are you most curious about?

Being able to form with a very maluable material such as clay made me excitedly do to use it. I am curious about seeing how the clay will form and bend to make it so I get what I want.

b. if you were to begin the clay sculpture anew, what is the most important piece of advice you would need?

Make sure to keep the very thin clay pieces very moist so they don't crack up or dry. 

The most interesting replies made me think about making it bigger, more leaves, and making the base longer and spiral shaped.

I am excited for being able to make my sculpture in other materials than clay. Being able to have physical objects to create a sculpture is much different than clay because it is less maluable but you are still able to make things. Natural objects like twigs intertwined together to make the base with actual leaves being the leaves on my sculpture would be interesting for me to make. 

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